What comes to mind if I asked you to name your most meaningful moments? There are the obvious ones, the big ones, the life changers. Many of my fondest are the little moments. Those unexpected times I was least expecting.
Some of my meaningful moments include the night I went to a barbecue and was surprised with a half birthday party surrounded by friends. Recently having my little niece and her friends put on an impromptu ballet to Steven Curtis Chapmans Cinderella. I bet many of yours are created in the everyday.
This year I decided to challenge myself and join The Nester’s 31 day challenge. The challenge – Write a post every day in the month of October around a topic.
My normal place for blogging is Adventures In The Kitchen. Many of you might be expecting food. Well, I believe that magical moments happen when we gather around the table with those we love so you won’t go hungry these 31 days. Recipes and celebration ideas will be featured over there but my daily posts will be here, my little home on the web.
So I hope you will join me as we spend 31 days looking at creating meaningful moments in our life. Single, married, empty nester or mother of preschoolers each of us long for our lives to have purpose. My pastor wrote a little book about that. We want to know that in the midst of routine and often mundane tasks what we are doing matters.
Here are a few things to think about as we start…
Think about your most meaningful moments?
When was your last one?
What made those moments meaningful?
Are there common threads?
What is your soul crying out for more of?
One thing that came up was that I missed being involved and giving back. I worked for a non-profit, which many would say was serving, but I missed that one-on- one contact. I missed building relationships, and serving side by side others. Last month I signed up to be a mentor for teen moms and am looking forward to getting to know these amazing young woman, along with the other mentors.
What steps can you take to move toward what you are missing?
I look forward to hearing about your meaningful moments and what new adventures you decide to take. We can talk about it over on Facebook or Twitter. You can share pictures with me over at Instagram or Pinterest.
Here is a button if you’d like to share with your friends and place on your site
<div align="center"><a href="http://measly-cable.flywheelsites.com/31-days-creating-meaningful-moments/" title="31 Days Creating Meaningful Moments"><img src="http://measly-cable.flywheelsites.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/31days.png" alt="31 Days Creating Meaningful Moments" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
I have listed out the days below and each day after I have put up my post I will update this post with a link to the corresponding days post.
Day One – Creating Meaningful Moments
Day Two – Being Present
Day Three – Being Vulnerable
Day Four – Let’s Dream
Day Five – Create A Vision Board
Day Six
Day Seven
Day Eight
Day Nine
Day Ten
Day Eleven
Day Twelve
Day Thirteen
Day Fourteen
Day Fifteen
Day Sixteen
Day Seventeen
Day Eighteen
Day Nineteen
Day Twenty
Day Twenty One
Day Twenty Two
Day Twenty Three
Day Twenty Four
Day Twenty Five
Day Twenty Six
Day Twenty Seven
Day Twenty Eight
Day Twenty Nine
Day Thirty
Day Thirty One