I used to think time was my friend, that I could wait or let it just happen. Boy, was I wrong. Now I feel like I am chasing life, trying to make up for time lost. Time I frittered away when I didn’t realize how precious it was.
Yes this is March, almost April, when I am now sharing but each new year I reflect on the year past and look forward to the future. In recent years, it seems more serious, like I can’t mess this up.
My niece and nephews have big dreams and they are chasing life too. Hoping 16 comes faster so they can drive or 18 so they can be done with school. I think my one nephew who is graduating this year is hoping time will stand still. Life is good and he wants to enjoy ever second left of high school. I think he knows, this is a season that will never come again and he wants to savor it all.
I wonder if Jesus felt that way before his journey to the cross would begin. At the last supper He is sitting around with his twelve disciples, the people he cared about most in this world, knowing his time was almost done on this earth. The way they were acting, arguing who is greatest, must have frustrated him. I wonder if he thought would they be able to live out their calling?
One of the questions on my goal planning book was “How will you feel about this when you are 85?” What matters to me today and how will it impact my future. For me chasing life now, at my age, is to make the most of every day God gives me. Cherish the people in my life and not worry about things that won’t really matter.
I want to slow down and enjoy dinners with family and friends. Walk on the beach with my dog Max. I want to be able to be there for the people in my life when I need to be. I want to excel at the job God brought me to last year.
When I look ahead for the year what I want to cultivate is relationships and opening up my heart to love, if God opens that door. I want to invest in my leaders and thrive at work because if I do people will find a place, their tribe to do life together and pursue Jesus with. Chasing life means being intentional and purposeful. Starting my day with Jesus and time in the Bible, even if it is hard.
One thing that fuels my focus is my friends and acquaintances who don’t have the gift of time. The ones that are fighting for their lives or struggling with long-term illnesses. Saying to goodbye to someone my family loved. My Facebook page is filled with people who have lost a grandbaby, who are struggling to recover or said goodbye to someone they loved.
Two weeks ago today I went with my Mom and sat with someone very special to us, whose days were numbered. In those moments what really matters becomes very clear.
One of my friends, Wes celebrated New Years with the gift of a new heart. He is given a second chance to chase life and see what God has for him. A young friend of mine who survived the Las Vegas shooting has taken steps to make things happen, while working through the trauma of that day.
In the transition of returning to a full-time job I stopped cooking. A few weeks ago I spent the morning cooking and remembered the fun I use to have. My soul felt fed as I made Chicken Parmesan and snapped a few photos. Part of chasing life is balanced and carving out time for the things that restore us.We are not guaranteed a certain amount of time here on earth. Each day truly is a gift from God. I want to run the race well and love the words of Paul.
Today, the day I am finally pushing publish is Good Friday. It seems fitting to launch a site about Redemption on this day. Jesus died for us, said it is finished and two days later rose again offering life to us. It is a crazy and relentless love to die for us, who are broken, who make bad choices, who forget often just what God did for us.“Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.” Philippians 3:13-14
That is the beauty of a new year or a new start. We can look ahead and cling to God. We can let him restore us and we can cheer each other on in confidence.
- What have you been putting off that God keeps putting on your heart? Take the next step, any step, just move towards that goal.
- What activity restores you, energizes you or inspires you? Now find time this week to do it!
If you like what you see, please share with your friends and family! Look forward to gathering around the table.
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